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发布时间:2006-03-06 02:00:53
amei ,are you stil fine othercountry?是否记得,你教我背书时那可爱的样子,当时,我两手撑着下巴,和尚念经似的,"灰飞烟灰......",而你却那么认真地给一句一句地纠正,其实,我真希望永远这样下去.然而,你却走了,当时,你告诉我你要去当兵的时候,我鄂然了,你是个女孩子,怎么能够承受得那种苦呢?当时,我真以为你在开晚笑,但你的眼神告诉我这是真的.那时,我无言以对,心情一片空白,当时,我真想到车站去送送你,但我又没有勇气面对现实,这也许太突然了......,但你还是默默地走了。
三年以后,也就是大学毕业的那年,怀着同样的梦想和希望,我也成了一名陆军侦察兵,那时,我才体验到你当时的心情,amei ,我为你加油!休闲居 编 辑
amei, I do want to say to you,I do missing you!
I want you to know one thing
You know how this is
If I look at the crystal moon
at the red branch
lf the slow autumn at my window
If I touch near the fire
the impalpable ash,
or the wrinkled body of the log
Everything carries me to you
As if everything that exists
Aromas,light ,medals,
Or little boats that sail toward
those isles of your that wait for me ,
Well now, If little by little
You stop loving me ,
I shall stop loving you
Little by little
If suddenly you forget me
Do not look for me ,
For I shall already have forgotten you
If you think it long and mad
the wind of banners
that passes through my life
And you decide to leave me
at the shore of the heart where I have roots ,
Remember ,that on that day , at that hour ,
I shall lift my arms
And my toots will set off
to seek another land ,
But, if each day , each hour ,
You feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness
If each day a flower climbs
up to your lipds to seek me ,
Ah my love ,ah my own ,
in me all that fire is reprated
In me nothing is extinguished or forgotten
My love feeds on your love , beloved ,
And as long as you live
it will be in your arms without leaving mine.
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